ERP Project Management Software | NeoTadd

Project Management

NeoTadd Manages Project Complexities Effortlessly

NeoTadd's world-class Project Management System continues to evolve while offering you the advantages of effortless project planning, balanced resource management, improved team collaboration, and many more, accomplishing projects on time while the work involved is done seamlessly, efficiently, and accurately.

NeoTadd simplifies all work order-related information and activities – from opening work orders and managing work-in-process transactions to coordinating and evolving production lines. NeoTadd ensures that you get the highest priority work done while making sure lower priority work doesn't slip through the cracks.

graphic indicating Project management


The Project Management module comes with features that offer a holistic view of the processes and keeps projects on track, and deliver results.

  • Work Order Creation
  • Work Order Correction
  • Work Planning
  • Work Validation
  • Work Completion Certificate
  • Split/Merge Work Order activity
  • Transfer Work Order